I went to the Stadtmuseum. I wouldn’t say it was as in depth pertaining to science and technology, but one could draw connections between a variety the history of science and technology and some of its exhibits. It featured a suit of armor and weaponry typical of the Middle Ages and connects back to our theme of war/defense spurring new technologies for those uses. The museum also nodded to the presence and importance of BMW and the automotive industry here in Munich and Bavaria, connecting back to our whole day dedicated to BMW. A brief panel discussed the hardships faced amongst some residents of Munich through technological growth and industrialization such as pollution, smells, and noises from rail yards and factories. Technological growth and developments do not guarantee an increase in living standards or well-being. Additionally mentioned was the impact of the 1972 Olympics and in preparation the necessity of expanding public infrastructure. Large, often global cultural events like the Olympics draws the eye to a city and country to show off their culture, heritage, infrastructure, and technology. There were a few panels discussing Munich’s music scene where artists experimented with electronic music since 1956. Finally, an exhibit discussed the Nazi regime and the atrocities they committed particularly pertaining to eugenics and inhumane science experiments conducted on prisoners, which we also learned about at Dachau Concentration Camp. It was great drawing connections between our previous sites and what this museum offered.
I also visited the Oktoberfest and Beer Museum. Exhibits discussed the science and chemistry behind making beer, which is a key component to Munich’s culture. The museum nodded to beer’s ancient history dating back to the 5th millennium BCE and Ancient Babylon and Egypt; a useful timeline was also included in the museum. Both museums were insightful in looking into the progression, importance, and interactions of science and technology in Munich and Germany.
I was also expecting a greater variety of exhibits relating to the history of technology at the Stadtmuseum. I think there would have been more if the fourth floor wasn't being renovated. I was so surprised to have seen that ancient cuneiform tablet with the Babalonian brewing recipe.