Sunday, June 4, 2023

SREF - Lucas

 For the SREF project, William and I traveled to a wing of the Deutches museum which was focused on trains, cars, and bikes. This museum was broken into 3 separate buildings and contained a lot of information throughout. Starting with the entryway, there was graphics and plaques on the future if transportation. This included things such as new tech, how we can make positive transportation decisions, and some future city plans. The following part of this building was composed of mostly old motorcycles, bicycles, and old cars of various brands and times. 

The second building was predominantly train technology of old and new. There were full size and once functioning steam trains that you could walk through. Besides the examples most of the information contained here was on old steam technology.

The 3rd and my favorite building was a mixed basket. The building was split in half with one showcasing racing vehicles and the other containing interactive activities. There were old race motorcycles and 2 F1 cars which I was particularly fond of.  The interactive examples were clear physical models on how multiple complex components work inside of cars. This included steering systems, transmissions, and differentials. 


  1. Lucas! I would like to take a second to acknowledge your immense knowledge of vehicles and motorcycles, I am fond of your detailed day of fun. I found the last paragraph extremely fun and I also enjoy F1 car models and the races, maybe not to extent as you but I also find the physical models important in a historical factor that allows those who do not understand motor vehicles to the extent you do. I am glad that you and William had a fun time, and were able to see more of what you would like at your own pace.

  2. Lucas, I'm surprised that the Deutsche Museum has so many specific branches that can basically constitute whole separate museums. I don't think there's a more fitting museum for you and Will to have visited. I hope you had a great time

  3. Very cool way to spend the SREF Day! I wish I could have seen all the cool stuff from that section of the Deutsches Museum, especially the F1 cars and motorcycles. I also would have loved to see the old steam technology. I look forward to seeing pictures of those trains you got to walk through!

  4. I have to say, walking (admittedly somewhat quickly) through the museum with you was great: all the insights on the racing vehicles was great, especially when you pointed out the ridiculous ~1.6 liter racing tricycle.

  5. I think it would have been cool to see the progress of the steam engines for the trains. With all of the motor vehicles from the Deuches and the BMW museums, which one did you like the most?


SREF Project day

SREF Project day Today I had the luxury of exploring Munich with some classmates and go to some cool museums. The first museum that we went ...