Saturday, May 27, 2023

Technik Museum

Alex: Our trip to the Oslo Teksisk Museum was very interesting and super fun. I found it enjoyable to spend a little more time in the museum than we had in other days, and found it satisfying to see every exhibit that I wanted to. My favorite spot for this day at the museum was seeing all of the old cars and trams. Our guide showed us what I remember was the first car in Norway, which was driven somewhere around 1898. He said that was the only one around, which was super interesting. It was also cool to see that trams have always been in Norway. I would have assumed that the electric tram development began with the implementation and focus on more sustainable transportation technologies, but from what I remember, electric vehicles have always been a push there. I thought that the exhibit on oil rigging and Norway's carbon footprint was interesting and responsible for them to place in the center of the museum. The music section was really neat, talking about the history of musical machines. They talked about some rivalry between Edison and some other guy for the creation of the phonograph, and how the first sound recorded to play was contained within a piece of tinfoil. Additionally, the workshop was really neat too, and I look forward to studying my photographs later to better understand how all of the machines there worked. It may have been a couple different machines, but the process of turning wood to pulp and then paper was incredibly engaging. Norway continued to impress me with their devotion to bilingualism as I had hardly any issues reading any exhibits in that section of the museum.

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